The Six Pillars of Deer Hill Gap Semester


Connection: A Foundation of Togetherness and Belonging

Connecting with their individual selves, students notice how thoughts (their own and other peoples’) shape their worldview. They notice the impact (beneficial, detrimental) on the people and places in their lives. They begin to let go of habit patterns that don’t serve. Through daily mindfulness-based practices, students develop greater awareness of how they are engaging with Life, and discover ways to be of positive benefit in the world. Increasingly comfortable in an oftentimes chaotic world, they become advocates, allies, and contributors to planetary health and well-being.

Mindfulness: Self-Reflection + Awareness = Compassionate Action

One of the most important aspects of a well-lived life is feeling connected. Connected to what? Connected to our inner being; connected to our loved ones; connected to our creative expression; connected to the Universe; connected to an inspiring and compelling purpose. Students will explore ways to establish deeper connection within their lives, starting with connection to self.

Nature: A Living Model for Collective Thriving

Even as humanity searches for “the solution” to problems that (ahem…humanity has created), we continue to destroy that which has sustained us for millions of years. Yet Nature’s creative genius far exceeds human being’s inventions in intelligence, longevity, complexity, beauty, and in virtually every other way. How has Nature manifested such vitality, beauty, and complexity? What systems within Nature can offer direct guidance for humans? How can we be more attentive to the natural world as a model for living happier, healthier, and more balanced lives?

Reciprocity: In Good Relation with Earth and All Inhabitants

Reciprocity is a fundamental practice in virtually all Indigenous cultures. Western culture generally views the Earth as a resource to be exploited for maximum comfort and profit. This has created much suffering within the natural and human worlds. What does it look like to be in reciprocity with the Earth and her inhabitants? What practices can be invoked to develop our own relationship with reciprocity? How do we feed and nurture that which sustains our very lives?

Creativity: Nature as Source of Imagination and Innovation

Look at art, music, craft, dance, martial arts…all of these and more are inspired by, and embody forms, of Nature. While Western culture often takes a possessive stance on creativity, where does the inspiration actually come from? The most inspiring artists throughout history generally arrive at one answer: Nature. How do we allow Nature to inspire us? Perhaps more importantly, how do we allow Nature to move and be expressed through us without obstruction? Let’s find out!

Community: Where It All Comes Together in Service to the World

Have you ever felt a longing for REAL, connected community? Great! That means you are paying attention to something innately human that we ALL long for. In this age of mass distraction (social media, news outlets, screens), how can we actually build and cultivate community? What do we, as individuals, have to offer our community? Are we sharing our unique gifts with our community? What is it that we are asking of or need from our community? What aspects of the community you’ve built here at Deer Hill do you want to carry forward and offer to others? How can we assist you in making that happen?